Monday, December 10, 2012

Demon Hunter played standing experience

My DPS aside, sad case, open specialization 150K. Enough civilians.

EHP enough, someone said overflow, but the blood resistance enough, I feel that the first factor is the delay. Conventional network speed, basically delay is 300 to 500.

Such a delay, I think EHP just low payable, however. Accustomed to the style of play. No brains to play, or elegant shift has different requirements.

The attack speed is my weakness. Such a low speed, in fact, is not what I want, just want to improve difficult.

The most expensive equipment is 20 million Diablo 3 gold, the cheapest is 5 million D3 gold. Spend more money, the out point Seaview toilet can be reached.

When playing casual paragon more than 600 hours before more than 40 levels, rarely through brush, never pay attention to efficiency, focus on efficiency, tired game.

The more unworthily 8PP, basically playing a key play, A1 to brush a the rot collapse of the forest, and then go to brush a key, and I feel good brush rainbow shut. A2 brush an assassin, and make a key.

A3, Curse of the tower, the Earth's core, purple, Stone hit the keys, good mood, then continue to brush the fortress walls.

Sometimes another MF loaded brush 2PP. But boring, brush twice no mood.

Conclusions: First, for DH like me, how with loaded I think not deliberately. The first depends on the play of their own habits.

I also know that the high efficiency of an infinite cluster, I also know that strafed Parkour can be achieved, but for so long to play down the continuous mines stood still like to play. Even if the efficiency is not so high, and to uncomfortable in accordance with their own.

Second, the existing equipment decided BUILD. Very popular disaster child, plus quiver with dark night. Such benefits aside Inna's set, to utilize high attack speed, high critical chance to achieve the Discipline recovery.

But insufficient, Discipline unstable recovery. Fight a boss or monster less easily broken Discipline. Although abandoned Inna's set after the panel, if there is a good crossbow and Inna's set, change is not affordable.

Old Inna's set now, the right is not available in case of not rectifiable. New Inna's set price is quite appropriate, 20 Discipline, plus Jordan, about 60 Discipline, with the punishment can be wings constantly.

Have Inna's set, it did not need to use the dark. Passive skill bar is also very valuable.

A fitted, 1 to 2 like break out on top days. AH to squatting and equipment, also lowest price largest property can buy what equipment to use what BUILD.

Third, for the engineering, the use of the skills of timing. The open wings bombing can continue to return to the blood, do not want to hide the frozen, can stand steadily.

Especially the curse of the shadow, long last, sometimes line and off the wings station; three ring mines is usually standing fight, leaving a landmine hate frozen Arcane, or was being detained and sealed wall , especially when the delay put out very often, life and death difference.

Fourth, frozen fried fast when updated wings, or necessary.

Fifth, the rich do not impulse, the AH buy equipment, a lot of comparison, that's right.

Equipped slowly, one step will be a lot less fun. Slowly, etc., there is always the satisfaction of their own stuff out of. I own a lot of equipment on impulse are a valuable photographed, and spend a lot of money wasted.

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