Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The monks skills should such a change


The monks all condensed essence affixes to be raised, the effect of an increase of 100%.

Turn blood affixes effects enhance the essence of the monks, about 20%

The monks now comes with a refined gas condensation.

3,4 set effect Inna's set to re-design:

Three sets of results: your critical damage can make you gain 5 essence (odds ratio decided by the skills of trigger factor)

Four sets of results: Your melee damage reduced by 5%

The breeze evil consumption is reduced to 5 points essence

The dodge effect amendments: the chance to dodge for Charge attacks whack, does not decrease.  Diablo 3 gold

Boxing part:

Fists of Thunder: Thunderclap Rune Teleport effect changed to a base effect, all the runes are able to enjoy the Teleport.

The Quickening: redesign your every attack will restore you 2% of the life.

Static Charge: re-design, lead to the goal around the charge, every third blow to the target purification time, eliminate the body of a BUFF, and movement speed reduced to 0, 2 seconds to restore the original movement speed.

Bounding Light: re-design, to produce a chain lightning crit, 90% of the damage caused to the enemy, chain lightning crit can also generate a new chain lightning.

Deadly Reach: off empty broken range becomes 14 14 17 yards, and each successful blow give you 2% armor, stacking up to 5 times for 10 seconds.

Piercing Trident: Your attacks will no longer be dispersed, and 135% of the damage, and a range of changes to 202,025 yards straight penetration attack.

Scattered Blows: cancel the target ceiling, and caused 200% lightning damage.

Keen Eye: Your attack will be the target by an additional 12% damage.

Crippling Wave: The boxing attack speed bonus increased to 20% and trigger factor increased to 0.6 (the original do not know how much).

The tsunami red: change your attack to cause 120% of the goal of 20 yards on the surrounding frozen attribute AOE damage, and reducing their movement speed by 60% for 2 seconds.

Hundred crack fist: the boxing attack speed bonus increased to 70%, but the damage down to cause 90% damage per hit (the value of a gap, but is adjusted attack speed greatly enhance the total damage unchanged).

Hands of Lightning: Your attacks will no longer be changed instead attack five times per second (that is, all the attacks are the second strike like) caused 27% damage per attack enemies within 5 yards.

Spirited Salvo: each attack caused 100% fire damage and crit will increase attack speed 5% for 5 seconds Stacks up to 3 times.

Way of the Hundred Fists: redesign, you teleport attack would cause incidental effect, and result in an additional 100% fire damage within 5 seconds, then the bodies will explode if the target died in this boxing around the target, causing 350% damage (explosion damage does not trigger the damage rebound).

Secondary Skills:

Lashing Tail Kick: cancel the knockback the refined gas consumption is reduced to 20 points.

Sweeping Armada: Your Lashing Tail Kick can generate knockback hit obstacles or other enemy was repulsed when the target then triggered a radius of 2 yards explosion, resulting in a 200% physical damage.

Spinning Flame Kick: repel the enemy two yards, and 5 yards in front of the left a fire whirlwind caused 200% fire damage per second for two seconds.

The Hand of Ytar: cancel caster action.

Tempest Rush: open 10 points refined gas consumption, and thereafter in accordance with 10 points per second consumption (consumption rate is not linked with the attack speed), causing 85% per second lightning damage.

Hurricane winds: With Your Storm raid you will get all the bonus damage, and enhance the 3% damage per second, up to 75% increase, for 3 seconds.

Wave of Light: the basis of refined gas consumption is reduced to 50 points per deletion 5 points refined gas to enhance the crit chance 5%.

Ancestors pillars: increase the effect, the opponent will be hit by stone pillars into the state of the fixed body for 2 seconds.

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